Professor (Full)
School of Information Management
Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics

Research Areas

My research interests include information systems, e-commerce, data analytics, business intelligence, FinTech, etc. More specifically, I am interested in the following topics:

  1. Live streaming shopping
  2. Human computer interactions
  3. Quantitative investment and risk management


  1. Four graduate students (Xiaojie WANG, Yang WU, Linbing JIANG and Weiling HUANG) participated in the PACIS2023 conference in Nanchang in July 2023.

  3. Two graduate students (Xia LI and Weiling HUANG) participated in the CSWIM2023 conference in Changsha in June 2023.

  4. Two graduate students (Xia LI and Kuangzheng MAO) received their master's degrees in June 2023, congratulations!

  5. A paper from our group have been accepted in June 2023 by Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, the FMS A rank Journal.

  6. A paper from our group have been published in May 2023 by European Journal of Information Systems, the FMS A rank Journal.


In English:

Siponen M., Klaavuniemi T., Xiao Q.*. "Splitting versus lumping: Narrowing a theory’s scope may increase its value". European Journal of Information Systems, 2023.[pdf] [doi]

Xiao Q, Siponen M., Zhang X.*, Lu F., Chen S., Mao M. "Impacts of platform design on consumer commitment and online review intention: Does use context matter in dual-platform e-commerce?". Internet Research, 2022.[pdf] [doi]

Xiao Q., Wan S., Zhang X.*, Siponen M., Qu L., Li X. "How consumers’ perceptions differ towards the design features of mobile live streaming shopping platform: A mixed-method investigation of respondents from Taobao Live". Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2022.[pdf] [doi]

Wu Y., Zhang X.*, Xiao Q. "Appeal to the head and heart: The persuasive effects of medical crowdfunding charitable appeals on willingness to donate". Information Processing and Management, 2022.[pdf] [doi]

Xiao Q. "Understanding the asymmetric perceptions of smartphone security from security feature perspective: A comparative study". Telematics and Informatics, 2021.[pdf] [doi]

Mao M., Chen S.*, Zhang F., Han J., Xiao Q. "Hybrid ecommerce recommendation model incorporating product taxonomy and folksonomy". Knowledge-Based Systems, 2021.[pdf] [doi]

Zhang X., Hu W., Xiao Q.*. "Influences of medical crowdfunding website design features on trust and intention to donate: Controlled laboratory experiment". Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2021.[pdf] [doi]

Pang J., Zhang N., Xiao Q.*, Qi F., Xue X. "A new intelligent and data-driven product quality control system of industrial valve manufacturing process in CPS". Computer Communications, 2021.[pdf] [doi]

In Chinese:

Zhang X., Tang Y., Wang Y., Xiao Q.*. "It starts with curiosity and ends with worry: The double-edged effects of 'clickbait' on social media users' clicks and shares". Nankai Business Review, 2023.[pdf] [url]

Xiao Q., Wan S., Zhang X.*, Cai S. "User’s quality perception and satisfaction towards mobile live streaming commerce platform from the perspective of IT affordance". Chinese Journal of Management Science, 2022.[pdf] [doi]

Zhang X., Zhao Y., Xiao Q.*. "A study on the impact of medical crowdfunding project information on donation effectiveness". Chinese Journal of Management, 2022.[pdf] [doi]

Zhang X., Chen Z., Xiao Q.*. "Influence of information expression of medical crowdfunding charitable appeal on individual donation". Journal of Management Science, 2021.[pdf] [doi]

Research Projects (PI)

  1. Jan.2019~Dec.2022, “Data-driven based research on design strategies enhancing effectiveness of consumer online review system”, Sponsored by National Science Foundation of China (No. 71861014), PI
  2. Jan.2014~Dec.2017, “Research on support models and methods for risk identification of technological innovation from cognitive perspective”, Sponsored by National Science Foundation of China (No. 71361011), PI



Internet Research (SCI/SSCI Q1)
Information Processing and Management (SCI/SSCI Q1)
Financial Innovation (SSCI Q1)
Technological Forecasting and Social Change (SSCI Q1)
Journal of Enterprise Information Management (SSCI Q1)
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services (SSCI Q1)
Journal of Medical Internet Research (SCI Q1)
Journal of Organizational and End User Computing (SSCI Q1)
Journal of Management Science and Engineering

Social works

Visiting Researcher
Faculty of Information Technology
University of Jyvaskyla (Finland)

Team Members

Xia LI Xiaojie WANG Zhanyu ZHANG Yang WU Weiling HUANG Linbing JIANG

Kexin ZHANG Jiao DING Yongyou ZHENG Shun LI (graduated) Shanshan WAN (graduated) Ziyu Fan (graduated)

Kuangzheng MAO (graduated)